Pack 147's
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Pack and Dens

Cub Scout Pack 147
(Alamogordo, New Mexico)
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The Pack


The Pack is a group made up of several dens.

The Pack includes not only the Scouts in those dens, but also their families, and their leaders.

Pack 147 meets for their "Pack Award Ceremony" the last Monday of the month with Cub Scouts, leaders, parents and other family members attending. During this meeting we celebrate and recognize our Cubs, their Advancements and their attainment of Ranks.


A Cub Scout Pack is divided into small groups of about eight boys called dens, who meet weekly under the direction of adult Den Leaders and, in some cases, Boy Scout Den Chiefs. The Den Leaders are trained parent volunteers. 

The den allows boys to get to know each other better and engage in activities that would be difficult in a larger group. The den also provides leadership opportunities for the boys as they elect "denners" or help to teach each other. 

Den meeting activities are planned around the monthly theme and include games, handicrafts, hikes and other outdoor fun, practicing skits and stunts in preparation for the next Pack meeting and taking part in simple ceremonies and songs. Sometimes work on advancement requirements is included, but most of that work is accomplished by the boys with their parents (see details on the Webelos rank for an exception). The Den Leaders may ask for special help occasionally from parents (helping with a meeting, sharing a special skill, or just providing a snack for the boys). 

Dens are organized by rank. Ranks are organized by 
grade and age:

  • Lion Cub Dens: Kindergarten aged. 
  • Tiger Cub Dens: 7 years old and be in First Grade
  • Wolf Dens:8 years old and be in Second Grade
  • Bear Dens: 9 Years old and be in the Third Grade
  • Webelos I Dens: 10 Years old and Be in the Fourth Grade
  • Webelos II Dens: 11 Years old and be in the Fifth grade